"The Final Sign of Evil" на SODOM ще излезе през септември
Обложката на предстоящата творба ви показахме тук.
6.07.2007 09:28:06
+ 0 – 0
Hi folks!
I got a little break from the studio, so here are some words.
Now it's clear: The new one will be out in september. We're still recording and after the Bang-Your-Head-Festival this job became for me a 24h fulltime job. Of course that's one of the reasons why the new page isn't online yet. There's no time to do the last work on it. Right after the production I'll do my very best to get it online.
Since last week we're recording the last guitars and two songs are left to do now. I believe at the end of this week the guitars and basses are recorded. Our deadline for mixing and mastering is the 20th of july and our work is up to schedule now.
At the end we had some technical problems and during the production always some... medical problems. Aching shoulders, trachoma (that was me), backaches, colds and wounded feet. Sometimes the studio looked like a retirement home. After that the cut of the drum parts caused a lot of problems.
As I mentioned before: It's real hard work!
Cheers to you all and see ya next week!
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